01.02.2013 Star Wars: The Old Republic – State of the Game #2 Hello again everyone! It has been an amazing couple of months since my last State of the Game blog. It feels like a good time to jump in again and give you a brief rundown on how we are doing, what is coming […]
Get it? ^^^^Fancy Wordplay I thought. Just wanted to give a shout out to one of our guys. I won’t name who, unless you have proper clearance(hint:You have to be one of us, to know one of us). In the spirit of festivities and joy for all I have a little something for everyone […]
The Secret World, an upcoming sci-fi mmorpg with an old school skill tree profession system, is now available for pre-order. Pre-ordering the game will include: Able to play during the Beta Weekends which start May 11th. Access to the official release servers 4 days before retail release(June 19th, 2012). Able to reserve 1 characters name […]