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- Crew Skills Map: Force/Non-Force Classes Usage & Dependencies
- Get a Free Tauntaun Ram Pet: Game Update 1.2 Celebration
- How to: Get War Hero / Battlemaster PvP Gear & Ranked Warzone Commendations
Patch 1.2 has arrived with a lot of changes in PvP. Ranked Warzone Commendations are here, even if Ranked Warzones are not implemented yet. Also, the old Centurion and Champion gear is no longer obtainable but instead, we will have 3 new sets: Recruit, War Hero and Rated War Hero.
Let’s start by explaining how players can get Ranked Warzone Commendations, with no Ranked Warzones to play.
First option is trading Warzone Commendations for Ranked Warzone Commendations with a rate of 3 to - PvP Valor Ranks, Medals and Titles list [Updated]
- Ranked Warzones NOT going live with 1.2 Update
It seems like the PvP lovers will have to wait more for Ranked Warzones. Daniel Erickson just announced that the 1.2 Game Update will not include this feature. Sad as it may be, here is the official announce:
- 1.2 War Hero armor–High resolution in-game screenshots
Hey everyone, I know you guys have being asking for high resolution images of the new War Hero PvP gear ever since you saw those previews I posted. Thankfully, in addition to purchasing them via ranked Warzone Commendations, you can also craft these as empty orange shells! This took me a couple days as I …
- End-Game Itemization in Game Update 1.2
Since the Game Update 1.2 deployment news got everybody by surprise, alot of questions arised on the forums. We did try to bring some light to the upcoming patch by presenting some of the stuff from the PTS, but still, I think there’s much confusion. Fortunately, Georg Zoeller made an informative post recently, regarding the itemization in 1.2, which will answer some of your questions.
- Game Update 1.2 is coming on April 12
It’s official! The announcement has been made, Game Update 1.2 is coming this Thursday, April 12!
Posted by: Bioware
- PaxEast 2012 Day 3 Q&A
Hey everyone this is a transcript of the PaxEast 2012 SWTOR panel day 3 Q&A. The original audio and highlights can be found on DarthHater. This Q&A touched on some tough questions – class balance, operation itemizaton & difficulty, and Jawa 2015. Transcripts for day 1 and day 2 Q&A can be found here …
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